By Anonymous Parishioner

For the next several weeks, SFA parishioners will share their personal accounts of how the Eucharist has impacted their spiritual journey and life. We know they are not alone. If you wish to share your story for publication in the Bulletin regarding your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist during Mass or during Eucharistic Adoration please submit your witness to by the end of February. You have the choice to remain anonymous if you prefer.

After leaving the Church and turning away from God, something, rather Someone, breathed a breath of life onto the tiny flicker of faith buried deep in my heart. I began to pray to God again, wondering if He even heard me. Soon I started reading the bible every day. I also began attending a non-denominational church. The people were welcoming, the pastor was inspiring. I was considering becoming a member.

It was then that the Holy Spirit nudged me to revisit my Catholic faith. One Saturday evening I entered St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church for 4:30pm Mass. I knelt, asking God to help me know if this was where I belonged.

I remember the consecration of the bread and wine that afternoon. A stillness enveloped the sanctuary. The priest began the Eucharistic Prayer. The moment he held up the host saying, “This is my Body,” I knew without any doubt that I had come home! At each assertion that followed, “This is my Blood ... Do this in memory of me ... Behold the Lamb of God,” my heart grew stronger with the certainty that what was lost had been found. I knew that I needed to go to my Father and beg his forgiveness. A few weeks passed when, one Saturday afternoon, the Holy Spirit gave me the courage to stand in line for confession.

After confessing my sins, receiving absolution, and offering my penance, I was ready for Mass. I remember everything about that Saturday afternoon: the freedom in my heart when my sins were forgiven, fervently praying and attending to every part of the Mass, slowly walking to Communion with so many souls hungry for God’s nourishment. I got to the altar and held out my hands to receive the host. The priest announced “The Body of Christ” and I responded “Amen” as he put Christ in the palm of my hand. I reverently placed His Body on my tongue. Back in my pew, tears of joy were streaming down my cheeks! The Body, Blood, Soul and divinity of Christ was part of me now.

I can testify that He never gives up on us! We just have to say “Amen!”

Take Action

  • Are you spending time with Jesus? Adoration in the chapel is available from 8:30am-4pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

  • Sign up for the new book study: The Eucharist Is Really Jesus, by Joe Heschmeyer. Starting February 10-11. Learn more.

Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi

The National Eucharistic Revival is a three-year initiative commissioned by the bishops of the United States to "restore understanding and devotion" to the Eucharist. The initiative in our parish is supported by a team of volunteers.


He Gives Us His Peace


The Catechism and The Eucharist