Our staff, and some of our “super volunteers”, share reflections and testimonies on how they have encountered Jesus in their ministries and work, and what they are doing to share The Lord with others.

Holy Days
Question: Why do some dioceses move holy days, or not even celebrate them at all. Doesn't everyone do the same thing?
Answer: The short answer is no, not everyone does the same thing. Although the church is universal, there are many local customs and saints that each country, sometimes just a region, will honor…

Why do we give gifts at Christmas?
Question: Why do we give gifts at Christmas?
Great events in and of themselves are not tangible. They occur in life but leave no mark behind, nothing that someone could come across and know that something significant occurred. So we mark the event with monuments, holidays, gold watches or plaques, making a meaningful event tangible and memorable…

Advent Wreath
Question: What’s the story behind the Advent wreath?
Each season in the liturgical calendar comes with its own local and regional rituals. During the Advent season, wreathes adorn church sanctuaries and family dining room tables...

Mary and the Saints
Question: Why do Catholics pray to Mary and the saints?
Answer: One of the statements of faith we make when we pray the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed is that we believe in “the communion of saints.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that this communion…

Days 4 & 5, Final thoughts
Ever the Thomas, I was hesitant to attend the Eucharistic Congress, I confess, and felt the same skepticism I felt towards World Youth Day in 1993. Inside, I doubted that the effort, physical discomfort and expense would be compensated by the graces received. But I was wrong, again, as always. Both events can only be described as “transformative.”

Day 3: So Many Faithful
3rd day, Friday, July 19. Here are the list of attendees we were blessed to rub shoulders with!

2nd Day and Counting
2nd day, Thursday, July 18. We are finally getting into the flow of the EC. Liturgy starts in Lucas Stadium with the Rosary at 8am, Mass at 8:30, first session until noon, quick lunch if time permits, 2nd session until 4-ish, then grab something for dinner and back to the stadium for the evening session until 10pm, or so.

Registration and First Impressions
1st day - July 17. Angela, Sandie and I walked downtown that first morning to register at the immense Indy Convention Center

Receive the Eucharist Worthily
As practicing Catholics, we all know that we must be in a proper state of disposition to receive Holy Communion. It’s disarmingly simple: you must be a baptized Catholic in good-standing with the Church; you must be in a state of sanctifying grace, meaning you are not aware of any unconfessed mortal sins; you must keep a one-hour fast from all food and drink except for medicine and water before receiving the host. But we should strive to go beyond the minimum!

“You can receive immeasurable blessings by making this ancient sign...”

Jesus Wanted Me to Know Him
“Before fully allowing Jesus into my life I was aimless, lost, and empty...”

Bringing People to Jesus!
“...There was so much joy in my heart that all I could do was to praise God for His Greatness...”

The Eucharist is the Center of My Life
After Mass as I walked out the front door toward the parking lot, a lady came up to me and said, “I saw you walking back from Communion with your hands cupped. Did you consume the host?” I said “Yes, I did” and explained what had happened. She gazed at me for a long moment, then nodded and left. I was impressed. I had never witnessed anyone so courageously and boldly advocate for the Blessed Sacrament as she did...

His Beating Heart
“When I was ready to listen, the beating heart of the Eucharist quietly called me back. ”

He Seeks us, Desires Us, Pursues Us
“ ...I was overwhelmed seeing God's love and humility in that moment...”