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Why Register?
Did you know that attending Mass regularly at St Francis doesn’t automatically make you a parishioner? Registering with us is critical in giving your “yes” to Fr Jim’s Spiritual Fatherhood for you and your family. It solidifies your commitment to our Spiritual Family’s Mission. It also cements our Pastor’s, staff’s, volunteers‘ and other parishioners’ commitment to you.
Ready to join us?
Our Pastor and his leadership team have been discerning for years how the Lord has been working in our parish, how he has set us aside and blessed us with particular gifts and charisms, and how he wants us to move forward. The fruits of this discernment are the “clarity statements” below.
Why do we exist?
“We exist to embrace the drifting, the wounded, and the lonely, into the refuge and home of abundant life in the Church.”
This is how we are called to “bless the poor in spirit” in our parish boundaries.We are all drifting, wounded, and lonely in one way or another. Jesus is calling us to life!
What are our core behaviors?
These are behaviors we already see in our “super volunteers”, a true gift to our parish. These are behaviors we not only want to celebrate, but encourage.
What do we do?
“We are in the business of bringing Jesus to people, and bringing people to Jesus.“
Ultimately, this is what differentiates us from other community organizations or charities. We are all about encounters with the risen Lord!
What are our anchors?
FAMILY: We are a family of believers, brothers and sisters in Christ. Families support each other, protect each other, help each other grow, and lift each other up in times of need. That is our vision for our parish. Times can get tough, but you don’t have to ride the storms of life alone. Learn about our Relationship Ministry.
ENCOUNTERS OVER ACTIVITIES: We don’t want to just check boxes, or move from one class, event or activity to the next. These are all good in themselves, but Jesus ultimately wants us to grow in communion with each other and with Him. Our activities, classes, groups all should seek that encounter with Jesus, first and foremost, and with each other.
FOSTER INTENTIONAL BEAUTY: We live in a beautiful place of the world, where the mountains and the sky witness the magnificence of God’s creation. Beauty can touch us and reach us in a very personal and unguarded way, and point to the eternal Truth and Goodness of God. Right order and organization also points to the heavenly hierarchy, and reminds us to put God first in everything. We want to be intentional in seeking beauty for our parish (from the way our bulletins look, to how our Liturgical Ministers dress) as a witness to our Christian joy! "There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to speak to others of our friendship with Him. The task of the shepherd, the task of the fisher of men, can often seem wearisome. But it is beautiful and wonderful, because it is truly a service to joy, to God’s joy which longs to break into the world." Benedict XVI, Homily at the Mass for the Inauguration of his Pontificate. 24 April 2005.
Still have questions?
Check out our FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) section. Or reach out to us!
Our History
Father Frank and Chris Massarotti
Humble Beginnings
Saint Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic parish, formerly named Spirit of Peace, began in 1982 and rented space from Westview Presbyterian church in Longmont, often called the “chocolate chip church” because of the round shape of the building. Initially very small in size, the parish gradually grew and began to encounter scheduling difficulties with the use of the Westview facilities in the early 2000's.
Office Park
Father Frank Maroney was appointed pastor of Spirit of Peace in August 2004. Beginning in 2005, the parish began looking at ways it could build its own church. After much discussion within the parish, a plan to move to another temporary location was approved by the Pastoral Council in late 2006. On October 1st, 2007, the parish moved into a new temporary facility in southwest Longmont and changed its name to Saint Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church. Although the temporary space was part of an office building complex, the parish designed a prayerful church space as well as classrooms and offices.
Father Frank and Parishioners setting up in the office complex church
Pike Road
Original Phase 1 Rendering
Phase 1
After moving in, planning continued for raising funds to build a new church. In September 2008, the parish embarked on a capital campaign with the goal of raising0 $2.25 million within four years. The parish broke ground in September 2011 and started construction of Phase 1 in our current location. Phase I consisted of a parish hall that would be used as a temporary church space in the main floor, and offices with a common events area in the basement. On October 4, 2012, we celebrated the dedication of the church.
Phase 2
Archbishop Aquila at the Dedication ceremony
By 2015, the parish had outgrown the new facilities and embarked on Phase II, the building of the permanent church, building of new offices in the main floor, renovation of the existing hall, and creation of new classrooms downstairs. In February 2018 the Archdiocese approved the beginning of the new construction. On June 19th, 2019, Archbishop Samuel Aquila came to St. Francis to celebrate the liturgy for the dedication of our permanent church. On the same day, Father Jim Crisman was appointed to our parish as the new Pastor.
Phase 3
Father Jim and Father Frank breaking ground on the new rectory.
By the grace of God, our parish has continued to grow. We are now completing the construction of Phase 3: the building of a new rectory on site with capacity to host 3 priests and a seminarian (Transitional Deacon). Groundbreaking took place on July 24th, 2023, and construction is on schedule to be completed in September this year. Thanks to the sacrificial generosity of our parishioners, we already raised most of the funds needed to cover the costs of construction through pledges, and are now hoping to raise enough for an endowment fund that will ensure the maintenance costs of the building are covered in perpetuity! (Learn more about the Rectory Project)
God has been working wonders in our parish, through the zeal, love, sacrifice and generosity of our parishioners. But this is only snapshot of the physical growth of our parish. The true miracle lies in the awesome ways The Lord has built His temple in our hearts, how He has made us His own, and truly transformed us into a family, His family. Thank you all for your “yes”.