“We need the gifts of the Holy Spirit, every day, every hour, every minute and every second to live a life that gives glory to the Father. The goal of the Christian life is neither mere moralism, where rules are defined and followed, nor is it an ideological system in which truths are presented for one’s assent; rather, it is a ‘living experience with the Lord Jesus in the grace of his Spirit.”
For adults coming into the faith, Confirmation is received at the Easter Vigil, after participating in the OCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults .
For more information, contact Michael Lynch: michael@sfassisi.org, 303-772-6322, ext. 225
2nd and 3rd grade.
Archbishop Aquila has instituted the “Restored Order of the Sacraments” – that is, Confirmation at an earlier age, to complete the Sacraments of Initiation. Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation requires a two year preparation, which begins in the second year of Level 2. The child will receive all three sacraments in their third year of Level 2 after completing the 5 separate meditations, which take place outside of the typical atrium time, and is given to the parents and children to prepare them to receive the sacraments. (Please see Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for more information under “Get Involved - Children Formation”)
6th-12th grade
Sacramental Prep classes at St. Francis are two-year programs. Therefore, youth who desire First Communion as well as Confirmation need to participate in two years of youth group and one year of monthly Sacrament classes. They can take their Sacramental prep class during their second year. Those who only need the Sacrament of Confirmation have already attended classes for their previous sacraments, so they will meet the 2-year requirement with one year of youth group and the monthly Sacrament prep classes. These can be done during the same year.
For more information, contact Michael Lynch: michael@sfassisi.org, 303-772-6322, ext. 225