Relationship Ministry

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Upcoming Events

(Click on the image below for details)


Small Groups & Resources

The groups below are aimed at creating community and strengthening the family bonds among our parishioners. To learn more, please email Julie Taylor, 

Lifeline of Friends Group

Group specifically for mature single women in our community, focused on building authentic friendships and supporting one another through this season of life.  We will meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of every months, at 9am (after morning Mass). Register here

Healing From Separation and Divorce

Weekly Starting September 10th, 6-7:30pm, Frassati Hall. Join us to encounter true healing through Jesus and one another as we work through the book “Divorced. Catholic. Now What?” $40 (Includes book, materials and registration). Please bring payment (check or cash) to the first session on Sept 10th. Register here

Questions: Email Michael Lynch (

Pizza and Parenting

Pizza and Parenting Group

Starting September 21st (and every 3rd Saturday) at 5:45pm, St. Clare Hall. Free Catholic Parenting Series . Marriage and parenting can be challenging, leaving many parents feeling stressed and isolated. We invite you to join other families once a month to share a meal, offer support, and build community.

What to Expect:

  • Family Meal: Enjoy a simple family friendly meal with your children (more than just pizza) provided by the parish .

  • Free Child Care: After the meal, the kids will have time to play under the care of our child care providers.

  • Parenting Session: Parents will watch a short video and engage in meaningful and supportive discussions with other parish parents.

When and Where:

Monthly Meetings: Every 3rd Saturday at 5:45 PM

Location: St. Clare Hall (at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Longmont).

While the Parenting Series is free and flexible, we kindly ask you to register each month to help us accurately plan for food and child care. You will receive a monthly reminder to register.


The Marriage Course

Registration for the current course is now closed. Please check back to register, or email to be placed on a waiting list.  

7 sessions to strengthen your relationship. Whether you’ve been married 6 months or 40 years, whether you’re in a good place or struggling, The Marriage Course offers practical support to strengthen your relationship. The course helps couples to: 

  • Communicate more effectively

  • Understand each other’s needs

  • Resolve conflict

  • Recognize how upbringing affects your relationship

  • Develop great sexual intimacy

  • And much, much more 


Couples are invited to sign up to join a small group with 3-5 other couples, meeting in-person in your small group leader’s home. Date, time, and location of small group meetings are meant to be decided by both the small group leaders and participants. Click here to watch a testimony from a parishioner couple.


About this ministry

At St. Francis, we are dedicated to investing in our parish family and enhancing our evangelization efforts by focusing on strengthening marriages, families, and relationships within our community. We offer a series of workshops and events tailored to parishioners at various stages of relationships:

  • Single Life: Promoting healthy dating habits and marriage discernment.

  • Marriage Preparation: Guiding those preparing for marriage.

  • Married Couples: Providing enrichment opportunities to grow and strengthen marriages.

  • Marriages in Need: Offering resources and pastoral support to help save struggling marriages.

  • Fortifying our Community – Building healthy relationship habits which support and encourage each other.

Why are we investing in marriages and families? Across the United States, there is a crisis in relationships, marriage, and family life, leading to serious consequences for individuals, the church, and society. This crisis has contributed to a decline in faith in Jesus Christ. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is committed to becoming a hub for marital and relationship health, aiming to combat loneliness, declining faith, unhappiness, and ineffectiveness.

Our mission, guided by the Holy Spirit, begins with creating spaces for healthy relational connections and fostering deeper community engagement. By offering date nights, marriage and family enrichment opportunities, family events, parenting resources, and options for singles and young adults, St. Francis of Assisi will promote healthy relationships through meaningful connections and practical relationship skills. As we strengthen our own marriages, families, and relationships, we will be better equipped to support others in doing the same.

If you have questions, please email Julie Taylor,

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