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Ministries at St. Francis of Assisi
Children Formation
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is our program of choice for child faith formation. We are constantly looking for more catechists, and people with skills in woodworking, sewing, general artists, computers and graphic design.
We want to foster a culture of prayer in our parish. Join a group of prayer warriors (Prayer Line), become a Committed Adorer, or join the Marian Cenacle.
Relationship Ministry
We are investing in our family and improving our evangelization efforts by focusing on strengthening marriages and relationships in our parish. We have a series of workshops and events for parishioners at different stages of a relationship: single life (promoting healthy dating habits and marriage discernment) , those preparing for marriage, married couples (promoting enrichment opportunities to grow and strengthen the marriage), marriages in need (resources and pastoral accompaniment to help save rocky marriages).
Youth Groups
We have year-round small youth groups for middle school and high school, mentored by Young Adults. Come join us!
Adult Groups
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults), Knights of Columbus, WELCOME, Young Adult Groups, Ladies Luncheon, St. Francis Supper Club
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers, Ushers, Mass Coordinators
Liturgical Environment, Decorations, and Flowers
Help us make the church even more beautiful for Masses and other liturgical events! Contact deacongeorge@sfassisi.org
St. Cecilia Schola, Queen of Angels Choir, Cantors, Accompanist and Instrumentalists, Children's Choir (Christmas).
We offer plenty of opportunities for our parishioners to actively participate in the Music Life of our parish, inside and outside the main liturgies: singing, playing, learning, and listening.
Audio Visual Ministries
We need help to help with Livestreaming the Masses, Slides/Lyrics Operators, and help troubleshooting AV systems. We can also use Graphic Designers and Social Media experts! Email Fidel@sfassisi.org
Beautification Efforts
Do you have an eye for beauty? Graphic Designers, Interior Designers, Artists and Curators, Marketing and brand specialists. Contact fidel@sfassisi.org
Front desk and Office ministry
Do you have a friendly smile and helpful heart? This is a great way to become more familiar with the parish! 2.5 hour shifts, or as a substitute. Contact Kelsey@sfassisi.org
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry. We equip and empower lay caregivers -called Stephen Ministers- to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.
Meals of Mercy, Communion to the Hospital and Homebound, visits to Assisted Living Communities, and a list of other outside outreach organizations we support.
Support Groups
Caregivers Support Group, Support Group for people with Chronic Illness.
Garden Angels and Maintenance
Do you love working with your hands? Gardeners, Woodworkers, Electricians, Construction, Plumbers, Painters. Contact jeff@sfassisi.org
Hospitality Ministries
Do you enjoy loving others through food?
Help us out with Coffee & Donuts, Funeral Receptions, Ladies Luncheon, Baking Ministry. Contact: louise@sfassisi.org
Administrative Ministries
Are you good with numbers? Not afraid of computers? Scrip Sellers, Money Counters, Data Entry volunteers. Contact: louise@sfassisi.org

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