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Welcome to our parish family!

We are a welcoming, beautiful, reverent, vibrant, and family-friendly Catholic Church in Longmont, Colorado (part of the Archdiocese of Denver).

We bring people to Jesus and Jesus to people through the sacraments and a strong community.


Upcoming and Noteworthy


Click here to see our full schedule.


Looking for Ash Wednesday’s Schedule?

Rome Pilgrimage

Join Fr. Jim Crisman and Fr. Jason Wallace on an inspiring pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee Year of Hope. Don’t miss out!

Jubilee Year 2025

Pilgrim of Hope Logo

Our parish, St. Francis of Assisi, named Pilgrimage Site

On December 13, 2024, Archbishop Aquila issued a decree according to which, in addition to the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, our parish and 7 other parishes are also designated as pilgrimage sites for the Ordinary Jubilee year 2025

Colorado Bishop’s statement on Immigration

Welcoming the Stranger, Protecting the Common Good:

As Catholic Bishops of Colorado, we approach the issue of immigration with prayerful hearts, seeking to guide our communities in a spirit of charity, justice, mercy, and prudence. The call to welcome the stranger is woven into the fabric of our faith, and in standing with immigrants, it is our first concern that they know the love of Jesus Christ and their dignity as human beings. We also recognize the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of our communities, as well as passing on the teaching of the Church on immigration to those who govern. (Read the full letter)

Featured Blog Post


 Quick Links

Longmont Resources for Homeless

Where Do I Get Help?

Our Center


SJB Foodbank

ProLife Resources

Catholic Teachings on Life Issues

Natural Fertility Awareness



Marisol Services

(Marisol provides comprehensive care to include health care, housing, and human services, including helping women and men with unexpected pregnancies; providing medical care for those who are unable to access high-quality reproductive care; along with counseling, housing, early childhood education and additional supportive resources.)

Post-Abortion Healing:

Project Rachel:

Rachel’s Vineyard:

Spiritual Encouragement

Pray the Mass Like Never Before

by Father Mike Schmitz

You HAVE to see this. It is a bit long, but absolutely worth every minute!

“While many people go to Mass every week, few people know what it is to worship. We show up and do our best to “pay attention," but for too many of us, this just means we watch closely. You have been given a gift that you have most likely left unused. This gift is unused because it is largely unknown. This presentation will uncover this unknown and unused gift so that you can stop watching the Mass and start worshipping at Mass.


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