1 Corinthians 11:27

“Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord.” 

(1 Corinthians Chapter 11:27. Navarre Bible reference)

Wow – what a powerful statement and, according to Saint Jose Maria Escrivá (editor of the Navarre Bible), these words are an unambiguous assertion of the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

There is Jesus, really, truly, and substantially whole and entire – with His body, blood, soul, and divinity in each and every part of the consecrated species.

The real presence of our Lord in the Eucharist -yes, in the Eucharist- explains why one needs to be prepared in body and soul to receive Him properly and why there are grave consequences if received unworthily.

So, then what does it mean to be unworthy?

  • To be in a state of mortal sin or habitual mortal sins as shown below.

  • To be in an irregular marriage (married and remarried without annulment of the first marriage). By Jesus’s own definition in scripture (see Matthew 19:9), this is adultery.

  • Those who receive but are not Catholic, or properly catechized in who (not what) they are receiving.

  • Those who are addicted to pornography or other sexually addictive sins.

  • Those who don’t go or haven’t been to regular confession.

  • Those living in heresy (living a life against Church teaching).

  • Those espousing passive assisted suicide or abortion.

If any of the above or more (the list can go on for pages) is your experience in life, and you haver received Communion, you have committed another mortal sin in receiving the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ unworthily, and this must be confessed.

Most people I know do not follow this teaching; they believe they have the mercy of God to cling to and cite Pope Francis as giving Communion to those outwardly against Church teaching.

I am not paid to judge anyone; this belongs to God. However, know Jesus did not lie in scripture and if He and His apostles say this is wrong, BELIEVE it to be true. It is wrong to receive unworthily.

For the sake of your immortal life, repent, go to confession, close the door opened to the devil, and get back into relationship with God.

The devil uses our sins to create more sins within our lives. By knowing we need to change our ways and with true repentance and sorrow for our sins, we have taken the first step. The second is metanoia, or conversion, which means we need to do a 180 degree turn and start going towards God (Ad Orientem) not away from God (Ad Populum).

I pray for all of those who did not know this and now do. I am here to help with any annulments, and Father holds confessions Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Please let us help bring you closer to Christ, so that Christ may come closer to you.


Eucharistic Testimony


Source and Summit: Reflections for a Eucharistic Revival