His Beating Heart

By Joanne Zeas | Parishioner

For the next several weeks, SFA parishioners will share their personal accounts of how the Eucharist has impacted their spiritual journey and life. We know they are not alone. If you wish to share your story for publication in the Bulletin regarding your encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist during Mass or during Eucharistic Adoration please submit your witness to fidel@sfassisi.org. You have the choice to remain anonymous if you prefer.

Growing up in the Catholic Church, I was fortunate to have had an early education in our Faith and strong role models to follow. I received the sacraments early, and gratefully remember the feeling of receiving First Holy Communion. The presence of Jesus was strong.

Despite this early initiation, it took many years and a lot of stumbling for my faith to become personal and turn steady within my heart. I would stumble over a teaching that I did not understand, a challenge in my parish, or have issues fitting in with others. And sometimes it was easier to prioritize my goals without checking to see if they aligned with God's purpose. How easy it is to overlook the one thing that means everything!

My faith ebbed and flowed in adolescence and into adulthood. I often sought the wrong source for resolving my questions. I focused on the busyness of life and spent long periods of time away from the Church. However, just as the heart never stops beating, Jesus was always there. When I was ready to listen, the beating heart of the Eucharist quietly called me back. And when the heart leads, the mind can better understand. In learning and asking questions within the context of relationship, I am able to grasp more of this Truth, and better accept what I still don’t comprehend.

I am so grateful for God's presence in my life and the life of my family. I also am grateful to be able to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Many times, I can feel Jesus' presence reaching out to each person as they receive Him. There are no words to express how amazing it is that such a great gift is given to us at each Mass!

To me, when I hear the words "God is always there", I am reminded to quiet myself and focus on Jesus' presence within. In the Eucharist, we can continually receive Jesus and renew His spirit within us. Life can be so challenging, yet we meet our purpose in Christ. In quieting our minds and finding time to receive Jesus at Mass, or visit Him in adoration, we have a direct connection to our God. His beating heart is with us always.

Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi

The National Eucharistic Revival is a three-year initiative commissioned by the bishops of the United States to "restore understanding and devotion" to the Eucharist. The initiative in our parish is supported by a team of volunteers.


A Loving and Generous Savior


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