Father’s Vision
The artist is Elena Danilescu Rush, a native of Moldova, who lives in Lyons CO.
For years, Father Frank Maroney, St. Francis’s previous pastor (and current Pastor Emeritus) shared with parishioners a vision he often had while singing the Sanctus during Mass, as he began the prayer and cast his eyes to the heavens. In the vision, he would see parishioners’ guardian angels begin to fill the space above their heads. The angels remained until the end of the consecration. A parishioner commissioned this painting to honor this vision.
The painting was done as a triptych, with angels in all 3 three panels, honoring this special moment during the Mass. The panels are titled as follows:
“Come and Worship”
“Do this in remembrance of Me”
“Be holy because I am Holy”
The angels are somewhat transparent to depict they are not physical beings, and are much larger than the people in front of them. Their large size represents what scripture tells us about how ominous they can be and how their usual greeting begins with “be not afraid.”
Some of the people’s faces might seem familiar, as they were taken from our current directory. It is an effort to show the diverse ages, vocations and ethnicities that make up our parish family. At St Francis of Assisi all are welcome, and these faces represent not only the current but the past and future members of the Body of Christ.
We hope that all who see this painting may find inspiration to sense their own guardian angel’s presence in their lives, and remember them, especially at the consecration, when the chorus of angels gives praise to Our Lord and King.