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A dear friend, Chief Randall Lange, recently passed away. He was my husband’s Chief in the Navy, a mentor, and dear friend.

While we never spoke about God with him, one evening he called Herm to tell him something incredible that had happened to him. He had lost considerable vision, so was careful around his house and property.

They lived out in the country; and one winter evening he decided to go bring in the mail. He knew the path well from their house out to the mailbox, he took that path every day. This particular evening it was lightly snowing, and getting dark; but he told his wife he would be fine.

For some reason he became disoriented, and didn’t know what to do, and by now it was dark. Suddenly a car appeared on this lonely country road. The man got out and asked Chief if he was okay; and offered to help. He had walked quite a long way from their house.

The man drove Chief back up to their house; and drove away without giving his name. Chief’s voice was shaking, when he told Herm about what had happened. He said that he was certain that it was an angel who came to rescue him.

Thank God!

Helen, Director of Religious Education for Children

Helen is the Director of Religious Education for Children. She oversees the catechists, assistants and aides that help sustain the RE program. If you would like to learn more about the RE program for your children, or would like to volunteer and help Helen with this ministry, please contact her at helen@sfassisi.org


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