…So where’s the beef?

Recently we announced to the parish that WE ARE GETTING AN ORGAN FOR OUR CHURCH!!!! In the next few weeks we will feature short articles to help us understand the breadth and depth of this great blessing!

Week 4: Where are the pipes?


As beautiful as our nave is, unfortunately, it could not be constructed with any space at all for organ pipes, or for any other parts such as wind chests, bellows, a blower, etc.

Not so very long ago, our only option might have been an electronic “appliance” that attempted to emulate pipe organ sound, with results ranging from not very convincing to frankly hideous. More recently, digital audio technology has enabled digital organs that sound a lot better than their electronic predecessors. But, these instruments tend to be made in mass-marketed stock models, in which somebody else has chosen what sounds they think we need. Totally custom digital organs can sound amazing, but are fabulously expensive.

Mercifully for us, our organ project is happening in a time when digital organ technology has taken a huge leap forward, in the form of the Virtual Pipe Organ. What’s that? Stay tuned!

Dean Huff

Dean is a parishioner and an accomplished organist. He joined our parish a couple of years ago, and has been a tremendous help volunteering in the planning and execution of the organ acquisition project.


What’s a Virtual Pipe Organ?


What's so special about the organ?