New Rectory Project
A Future Full of Hope!
Our Shared Journey
Many of you know of the long and sometimes challenging journey we have taken to reach this point in the life of our parish. We are overjoyed at our readiness now to continue the Lord’s work by building a rectory on our parish property for our priests.
First, we want to recognize and thank the priests, staff, parish members and the Archdiocese who participated in our shared journey and brought us to this point. Our parish originally held a dream of a Catholic community sharing worship facilities with other faith communities. Parish Priests in our initial journey include Fr. Daniel Flaherty (founder of Spirit of Peace), Fr. Don Romero, Fr. Don Willette (rest in peace) and Fr. Brian Morrow.
Phase I and II
In 2008 Fr. Frank Maroney, directed by the Archdiocese, led our growing parish, now named St. Francis of Assisi, on a much needed and very successful two-phase capital campaign. This resulted in a construction program and our completed magnificent church and support facilities.
Phase III: The Parish Rectory
Under Fr. Jim Crisman’s direction, along with several parish committee members and the Archdiocese, a feasibility study of St. Francis of Assisi’s ability to fund the rectory was conducted. The results concluded that we should move forward with a capital campaign to complete a rectory on the 14-acre parish grounds.
Who Will Live in the New Rectory?
The new rectory will have 4 suites:
Parochial Vicar
Retired Priest
Seminarian (Transitional Deacon)
Sacred Heart of Jesus
This mosaic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the first item purchased for this project, making it the symbolic and spiritual cornerstone of the new construction. Once the building is done, the mosaic will be installed in the prayer room of the new rectory. In this way we are enthroning our Lord Jesus Christ at the center of our efforts, entrusting ourselves to His will and providence, and making His Sacred Heart, the heart and hope for our future at St. Francis of Assisi.
Some of the benefits to having a rectory on our parish property include:
Greater access to our priests and the Lord’s ministry through them
Better opportunities for formation of our seminarians and future priests
Greater support for the local parishes across the deanery and the Archdiocese
Better care for our priests in a purpose-built rectory
Great way to honor and support our retired priests in the Archdiocese
What Is The Projected Cost?
$2.3 million total. We expect to pay for it through parishioner pledges and the sale of the current rectory.
Father Jim blessed the construction site on the weekend of July 16-17th, 2023. Groundbreaking is scheduled for Monday, July 24th, 2023. Once we start construction, it could take approximately 14 months to complete. A bridge loan will allow us to start construction before we have all the funding available from parishioners.
What Is The Timeline?
How Can I Help?
Our Capital Campaign co-chairmen Scott & Feliz Gutierrez, and Conrad and Kathy Kawulok are currently recruiting fellow parishioner ambassadors to form our core team and support the fundraising campaign. Ambassadors will attend an information and educational session. Following the initial session, the time commitment is flexible and minimal.
If you are interested in helping out, or have any questions concerning this project, please call 303-641-2594, or email conrad.kawulok@gmail.com.
Click here to learn more.
Architectural Drawings
Building Renderings
Construction Progress
How Can I Help?
The short answer is: prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Our Capital Campaign co-chairmen Scott & Feliz Gutierrez, and Conrad and Kathy Kawulok are currently recruiting fellow parishioner ambassadors to form our core team and support the fundraising campaign. Ambassadors will attend an information and educational session. Following the initial session, the time commitment is flexible and minimal. If you are interested in helping out, or have any questions concerning this project, please call 303-641-2594, or email conrad.kawulok@gmail.com.
If you have more questions, or want to learn more about how to assist or contribute financially, please fill out the form below, or contact the project’s Capital Campaign Manager, Conrad Kawulok (please list “Rectory Inquiry” in the subject line): conrad.kawulok@gmail.com
"Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen."
Patron Saints:
We are commending the whole project (fundraising and building) to the intercession of our Blessed Mother.
We are especially putting the building of the new rectory under the protection and assistance of St. Joseph.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the square footage of the planned Rectory?
The square footage of finished space is: 5,838 sq. feet
The square footage of the four-car garage is: 1,158 sq. feet
The unfinished storage space in the lower level is: 822 sq. feet
Total square footage of the structure is: 7,818 sq. feet
Who will live in the Rectory?
The Rectory has four living suites for the: Pastor, Parochial Vicar, Retired Priest, and Seminarian (Transitional Deacon).
What are some of the benefits to the SFA Parish for having an on-site Rectory?
Greater access to our priests and the Lord’s ministry through them.
Better opportunities for formation of our seminarians and future priests.
Greater support for the local parishes across the deanery and the Archdiocese.
Better care for our priests in a purpose-built rectory.
Great way to honor and support our retired priests in the Archdiocese.
Will Fr. Frank Maroney live at the Rectory?
No, he currently has a private residence in Longmont.
How much will this Rectory cost?
$ 2.3 million dollars; consisting of:
$2.0 million dollars construction cost
$200,000.00 contingency
$100,000.00 furnishings.
Does the parish own the home rectory our priests currently live in? Is it paid for?
The current home rectory is owned by the parish and it does not have a mortgage.
When the new rectory construction is complete and our priests have relocated, our pastor will evaluate whether there is a need so sell the existing home rectory, or find another use for it.
When will construction start, and how long will it take?
Construction will start soon, in the summer of 2023.
A short-term loan will allow construction to commence prior to fulfillment of parishioner pledges.
A construction duration of fourteen months is anticipated.
How are parishioner’s pledges structured?
Parishioners can set their individual pledges to be paid in a single payment or a series of payments.
The pledges can be fulfilled at the parishioners wishes: monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or other.
Pledges can be fulfilled at the time of commitment, or over a one or two year period at the parishioner’s choice.
The payments are tax deductible.
I have more questions…
If you have more questions, or want to learn more about how to assist or contribute financially, please contact the project’s Capital Campaign Manager, Conrad Kawulok (please list “Rectory Inquiry” in the subject line): conrad.kawulok@gmail.com