Another Case of AB-TYPE Blood
Tixtla, MX. October 21, 2006
A more recent Eucharistic Miracle occurred in Tixtla, MX on October 21, 2006 when during communion the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion looked into the ciborium and noted a reddish substance had oozed from a consecrated host.
A theological commission was called to investigate, led by Dr. Castanon Gomez. He had previously investigated the Buenos Aires, Argentina Eucharistic Miracles from 1999-2006.
A number of scientific tests were completed and found:
The reddish substance was human blood and had DNA of human origin, but could not be sequenced.
The blood type was AB, the same blood type found in other Eucharistic miracles and the Shroud of Turin.
The inner portion of the blood remained uncoagulated over years.
White blood cells, red blood cells and macrophages were found. These are common constituents of human blood present even after 15 years.
The blood seemed to emanate from lacerated human tissue, confirmed by immuno-histochemical studies.
The Bleeding Host of Textla was declared a “Divine Sign” on October 12, 2013 by the local Bishop of the diocese, but awaits papal approval.
For more information check out (Fast
forward to 7:10 – 14:15 time point for the discussion regarding this miracle.)