A Friendly gesture

This year of social distancing has been such a strain on lots of people, including my husband, Herm, and me. As Christmas approached, I kept thinking that I couldn’t do this, not being able to have the family here to celebrate together.

We ended up having our children and grandchildren here, a couple at a time, with masks on, windows & doors open, diffuser going, not sharing a meal, just a short visit, and wishing each other a Merry Christmas. It wasn’t perfect; but it worked. Our sharing love was what was important.

Anyone that knows me knows that I like plants, especially tiny ones. So I decided to give a miniature poinsettia in a tiny container to just a few friends, and to Father Jim. They’re easy to care for; but they have to be watered every 2nd or 3 rd day.

One of our neighbors that I gave a poinsettia to was so surprised at my gift that she called to thank me, saying that she just couldn’t believe that I would have given her such a special gift. Tears welled up, and words didn’t come easy for her, she was so touched. It didn’t seem to me to be such a big deal; but that simple gift, and the gesture of friendship meant a lot to her.

We sometimes take for granted family, friends, and neighbors. A little gift, a phone call, a simple meal can really touch someone’s heart. Remember how simple acts of kindness can make a difference to someone. Reach out and do a kind deed this week!

In my Ministry of Religious Education, as we began in-person classes this week, kids were excited to be here, and they just wanted to talk, to share experiences, as did their parents. It was just good to be back together, to talk, and to know that our Catholic faith can bring us together.

Helen, Director of Religious Education for Children

Helen is the Director of Religious Education for Children. She oversees the catechists, assistants and aides that help sustain the RE program. If you would like to learn more about the RE program for your children, or would like to volunteer and help Helen with this ministry, please contact her at helen@sfassisi.org


Maintenance for heart and soul


More of Him, Less of Me