Who built our organ? (Part II)

Recently we announced to the parish that WE ARE GETTING AN ORGAN FOR OUR CHURCH!!!! In the next few weeks we will feature short articles to help us understand the breadth and depth of this great blessing!

Organ Talk: Week 10

Blessed and guided by the intercessions of The Team Spiritual, these people contributed to the project:

Team Temporal:

Organ Team 2.jpg

Fr. Jim Crisman, whose enthusiastic support has been vital to the project; our very generous donors, anonymous 1, 2, and 3; Fidel Cuellar-Torres (project management); Dean Huff (design, console layout, sample set selection, console assembly); Bob Stadtherr (audio system design and implementation, console assembly); Chris Brunhaver (speaker design and Bob’s workmate at PS Audio); Bryan Stadtherr (speaker crossovers); Mike Fleming (speaker cabinets and assembly, and master problem solver); Erwin Rehme (speaker cradles, subwoofer cabinet assembly, speaker cover); Deacon Micah Flores (speaker assembly and muscle for installation); Fred Klepich and Jeff Kelly (more muscle for speaker installation); Mark Pilkington (donation of rolling platform, and speaker shelf reinforcement -labor and parts); Justin Black (rolling platform construction); Marc Hanks and his brothers (electricians); Carl Ribbing (Facilities Manager) and Louise Kubier (Business Manager, speaker fabric cover).

Our organ installation was performed by Michael “Spunky” Brunone of AudioDAWg (Digital Audio Workstation), a high-end audio firm in Farmers Branch, Texas. Mr. Brunone came highly recommended by very satisfied AudioDAWg customers. He installed the organ software and the console, connected its systems to the audio system we built, and performed voicing and tonal finishing on the organ’s sample sets.

Dean Huff

Dean is a parishioner and an accomplished organist. He joined our parish a couple of years ago, and has been a tremendous help volunteering in the planning and execution of the organ acquisition project.


Liturgy Talk: What is Worship?


Who built our organ? (Part I)