What sample sets will our organ use?

Recently we announced to the parish that WE ARE GETTING AN ORGAN FOR OUR CHURCH!!!! In the next few weeks we will feature short articles to help us understand the breadth and depth of this great blessing!

Organ Talk, Week 8

We will actually have 4 organs in one! Our sample sets are modeled using high fidelity recordings of the following real pipe organs:

St. Anne’s Church, Moseley, Birmingham, UK.  Built in 1907 by Brindley & Foster; modifications by Nicholson in 1984.  A basic English parish organ, nicely equipped for service playing.

Salisbury Cathedral, UK.  Built by Henry Willis & Sons, 1877; renovations in 1934 and 1969; restoration by Harrison & Harrison, 2019-2020.  Grand English cathedral sound; broad dynamic range.

Église Saint-Étienne (Abbaye aux Hommes), Caen, France.  Built by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, 1885; restoration by Jean Renaud, 1999.  Among the finest examples of the late Symphonic style of Cavaillé-Coll, who revolutionized organ building.  Exceptional warmth of foundation tone; fiery, majestic reed stops.

Pasadena Presbyterian Church, California, USA.  Built by Aeolian- Skinner; designed by G. Donald Harrison; installed by Joseph Whiteford in 1961.  Excellent eclectic instrument by the Rolls-Royce of American builders. Exciting, fresh, clear, contemporary American sound; lush string stops.

Dean Huff

Dean is a parishioner and an accomplished organist. He joined our parish a couple of years ago, and has been a tremendous help volunteering in the planning and execution of the organ acquisition project.


Who built our organ? (Part I)


Crying Babies, Bored Teens...a Witness at Mass!