The Known Offers Peace
Can you imagine if the God of the universe, our Creator, didn’t want to be known? Can you imagine if He didn’t want His creation to be truly known and understood? What kind of life would that leave us? When I imagine this life, I envision either a life of ignorant monotony or a restless, maddening seeking. Fun, huh?
Now, look around. How many people in your life fit one of these two categories? Maybe they feel stuck in a relationship, job, or illness they can’t control. On the other hand, maybe they are in vigorous pursuit of a “successful” career, the perfect man/woman, or a renaissance repertoire of talents and skills. I would argue that most people live as if our Creator, the God of the universe, did not want to be known.
The Good News is that He reveals Himself to His creation, to each of us. He wants to be fully known! Through the Holy Spirit, stories of His self-revelation to humankind were recorded, culminating in God’s only Son living among us, as one of us, teaching us, dying for our sins, and resurrecting on the third day! He leaves behind a Church to protect and share His revelation with the world!
Why? So that we can have a relationship with our Creator, and through that relationship, understand what is true about our God, our world, and ourselves. In this knowledge, we can find the peace the world seeks. We don’t need to blindly pursue, but can strive with confidence towards Him who brings everlasting joy and life. In this knowledge, our lives are not monotonous, but filled with mission from the King of Kings.
The peace the Lord offers is for us, but not us alone. He desires for us to share the source of everlasting hope, joy, and peace. He desires that we share Him, who is Truth, so that the world may rest in peace.