Did you Know?
The Feast of Corpus Christi is Linked to a Eucharistic Miracle!
You are invited to start your Eucharistic Revival this year by walking with a young priest who doubted in the Real Presence of the Eucharist. In 1263, when Fr. Peter of Prague started the words of consecration, blood seeped from the Host onto his hands and dripped onto the altar and the corporal. He personally reported this extraordinary occurrence to Pope Urban IV who sent papal emissaries to investigate. Based on their report, which supported the occurrence of a Eucharistic miracle, Urban IV instituted the Feast of Corpus Christi, which we celebrate this year on June 11.
Experience this spiritual journey with Fr. Peter of Prague by watching this reenactment entitled “Faith Prevails” on Youtube.
Alternatively, when you are in Italy next, visit the Cathedral of Orvieto where the blood stained corporal remains enshrined and exhibited to this day!