A Lesson of Hope

As I get ready for my day, and throughout the day, we have our radio tuned to Catholic Radio,1060 KRCN. Some days the programs are more serious, some days, they’re more uplifting; but they always bring the topic back to God.

On Nov. 5, I was listening to the “Women of Grace” program; and was particularly touched by a caller named Louis, from Boise, ID, who was not Catholic. As he choked back tears, he asked the Host, Johnette, if God ever abandons us. He felt that God was so far from him that he didn’t know what to do.

In her wisdom she pointed to the Catholic faith, and explained that because this was troubling him, he could be assured that unless he was in serious sin, God had not abandoned him. She encouraged him to not let the evil one discourage him; and for him to spend time in prayer, and to even learn to pray the rosary. Her message and prayers were one of HOPE for Louis.

I wondered about this man, was it the first time that he was listening to Catholic Radio? What made him call? It was no coincidence that I heard that particular call. I wrote his name in my book of Prayer Intentions in red; and feel that God asked me to place him in my heart. It was particularly interesting to me since our granddaughter lives, and teaches in Boise, and our son and his wife just moved there last month.

The funny thing is that the evening I wrote this article, and the next day the two particular programs that I listened to mentioned hope several times. Let us strive to be people of HOPE.

In my Ministry of Religious Education, I often meet people who, like this man, feel abandoned, and don’t know where to turn. I try to offer them HOPE. Even when it feels like God is so far away, just know that there is always HOPE in our Catholic faith.

Helen, Director of Religious Education for Children

Helen is the Director of Religious Education for Children. She oversees the catechists, assistants and aides that help sustain the RE program. If you would like to learn more about the RE program for your children, or would like to volunteer and help Helen with this ministry, please contact her at helen@sfassisi.org


A Light of Hope…A Light Revealed


Beauty won me over!