Eucharistic Congress Update

“The Eucharistic Revival (ER) is a grassroots initiative—discerned and approved by the Bishops of the United States—to reignite devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist (...). Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith in the celebration of the Eucharist. The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to restore understanding and devotion to this great mystery here in the United States.”

The ER has a three-year timeline. The first year, the “Year of Diocesan Revival” concluded on June 11, 2023 and called on bishops, priests and diocesan staff “to pray and fast as we asked Our Lord to revive his Church.” We are now in the second year, the “Year of Parish Revival,” which calls on all the faithful to strengthen our liturgical life through “the faithful celebration of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, missions, resources, preaching, and organic movements of the Holy Spirit.”

This second year of the ER will culminate in the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) the week of July 17-21, 2024, in Indianapolis, Indiana. “At this historic gathering, Catholics from every corner and every parish in our nation will come together to reconsecrate their hearts to the source and summit of our faith.” Over 80,000 Catholics from all over the US are expected to attend classes, conferences, Masses, and Adoration at Lucas Stadium and nearby venues. Some parishioners here at St. Francis are making plans to attend as individuals, though there is not currently an organized travel group planning to attend (yet!).

Over a dozen prominent Catholic educators and leaders of Catholic social media will be at the event, including author and noted speaker Bishop Robert Barron, Father Mike Schmitz (“Bible in a Year” podcast), Chris Stefanick (founder of Real Life Catholic), Scripture Professor Mary Healy (Fr. Crisman’s cousin!), Sister Josephine Garrett (author and host of the “Hope Stories” podcast), Evangelist Mari Pablo, and so many more.

More information is available at the National Eucharistic Revival website:

Registration for the NEC can be done by visiting:

Our National Emmaus Moment

In coordination with the NEC, a National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, one of the largest pilgrimages in history, will take place from May 17-July 21, 2024. Four separate Eucharistic Caravans will process to the NEC gathering in Indianapolis, carrying Jesus over 6500 miles over these 4 routes:

  • the Marian Route departing from the headwaters of the Mississippi

  • the Seton Route leaving from New Haven, Connecticut

  • the St. Juan Diego route starting in Brownsville, Texas

  • St. Junipero Serra route departing from the coast of California

The western Serra route will be the longest and most arduous at 2,200 miles including a weekend stop in Denver, June 7-9, 2024. Not all pilgrims can commit to many miles of travel, but all are welcome to join in the walk for any length of travel, or to sponsor pilgrims, or provide housing or other support when they are in our area.

The National ER site also urges us to embark our own “mini-pilgrimages,” inviting us all to be part of this journey to mirror the internal journey toward Christ with an external journey that “connects body and soul.” A mini-pilgrimage can be visiting local shrines or holy sites, or just walking to Mass.

To download a Mini-Pilgrimage Guide from the ER website, visit

Dennis Graham, Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi

The National Eucharistic Revival is a three-year initiative commissioned by the bishops of the United States to "restore understanding and devotion" to the Eucharist. Deacon George is leading the initiative in our parish, and is supported by a team of volunteers, such as Dennis Graham. To learn more, please reach out to Deacon George:


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Servant of God Marthe Robin