There were many times I fought God tooth and nail. Thank God, His will is stronger than mine!
When I was a young girl, my favorite part of mass was reading the Scriptures in the missalette. As soon as the priest started his sermon, I’d open the missalette and begin reading where I’d left off the week before. I read exciting stories about Egyptians, funny stories about the very short Zacchaeus, wonderful stories about miracles and healing, and moving stories about Jesus’ compassion or anger because of sin.
I enjoyed the stories, but most of all I enjoyed how God Himself sometimes seemed to speak to me through them. There were many times when I was convicted and ashamed. I vowed to do better. At other times, I was deeply moved by a sense of His love and care for me, like when I read about Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman. I knew that His forgiveness for me was just as tender and sweet.
When I read about the virgins who had enough oil to keep their lamps lit, I knew I was called to do the same. I begged God to keep me on the path of that calling. Answering that prayer has not been easy for Him, there were many times I fought him tooth and nail. Thank God, His will is stronger than mine!
God spoke to me through the Scriptures at Mass. Today we have a fantastic opportunity for God to speak to us every single day in a very easy way. Father Mike Schmitz, a very popular speaker among college students, is hosting a 20-minute “Walk through the Bible“ podcast called “The Bible in a year“. It’s so popular that it’s the number one podcast in America.
Several members of Saint Francis have told me how much they enjoy listening to Fr. Schmitz and how much they’ve already learned. In one year, we can go through the entire Bible and have it explained to us so we understand it. We’ll share in the excitement, the humor, the conviction, and the love of God in His Word. We’ll feel confident about our understanding of Scripture. It’ll be awesome!
To find out all the ways to listen to Father Schmitz’ podcast, go to and look for “The Bible in a Year“. Each episode contains Scripture readings, a reflection, and a guided prayer to help us hear God’s voice through His word. Get ready to be transformed!
“But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and on his law he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:2