
Our staff, and some of our “super volunteers”, share reflections and testimonies on how they have encountered Jesus in their ministries and work, and what they are doing to share The Lord with others.

The King Awaits You
Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi

The King Awaits You

“…in these sublime moments, heaven has been opened in my heart…”

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Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi


“There’s a difference between knowing that the Eucharist is Jesus and loving Jesus in the Eucharist. From that moment, my heart was His!”

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He Gives Us His Peace
Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi

He Gives Us His Peace

“At Mass, where He humbles Himself every time, I understood that the Lord of the universe was waiting for me...”

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Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi


For the next several weeks, SFA parishioners will share their personal accounts of how the Eucharist has impacted their spiritual journey and life.

“...Someone, breathed a breath of life onto the tiny flicker of faith buried deep in my heart...”

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

Realize please there is much more in the Catechism, our deposit of faith, in understanding this, the greatest gift man has ever received. I believe this with all my heart, mind, and soul, and invite you to finish studying the Catechism; it is beautiful and brings us closer in relationship to Christ. Will you come and see? God Bless you all.

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

"Truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.”

Will you accept the Lord’s invitation?

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

Reflect this week on “do you believe?” This is the question Jesus asks us every time we approach the sacraments. Are you able to say…. “Yes, Lord, I do believe you are present body, blood, soul, and divinity here and wish for you to be within me as much as I desire to be within you…”?

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

He wanted to leave his beloved spouse a visible sacrifice….. yes, he loves us so much that even if you were the last person on earth, God would have sent His beloved Son to rescue us from the evil one and to bring us back to the Father…

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

Happy New Year! Have you ever given thought about your New Year’s resolutions? This year spend some time with the details of the Mass. Both parts and all the subparts of the Mass are rich in meaning and help our faith grow. The Catechism this week shows us 2000+ years of the Church’s growth in understanding of the Last Supper. Spend time reading and rereading these beautiful paragraphs it will change your outlook for this coming year.

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

This month we continue on a spiritual journey sharing what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches each of us about the Eucharist.

It is hard to believe Christmas is just a few more days away, and in these paragraphs, the Catechism focuses on the last supper…

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

This month we continue on a spiritual journey sharing what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches each of us about the Eucharist.

It is hard to believe Christmas is just a few more days away, and in these paragraphs, the Catechism focuses on the last supper…

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

This month we continue on a spiritual journey sharing what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches each of us about the Eucharist. It is the second week of Advent, from the Year of Grace. As we await the new heavens and a new earth, let us clear the way of the Lord, by being servants of justice, truth, and peace. (Ordo 2024)

As we prepare for the new year, I am recalling the thousands who walked away from Christ as he spoke about the being the true bread from heaven…

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

“When we receive the Eucharist, we receive the cup of blessing of His love. Then we must question ourselves as to how we return that love?”

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

During the months of November and December we will be on a spiritual journey sharing what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches each of us about the Eucharist. Today we continue the reflection on “What Is This Sacrament Called?“

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

During the months of November and December we will be on a spiritual journey sharing what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches each of us about the Eucharist. “Today, What Is This Sacrament Called?…The inexhaustible richness of the sacrament is expressed in the different names we give it. Each name evokes certain aspects of it. “

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

Jesus told the apostles he would be with us until the end of the age. It is in the Eucharist that his body, blood, soul, and divinity are present with us until the end of the age. How wonderful it is that we are consumed as much as we consume our Lord at communion. We truly become one body in and through Christ, his bride, his Church, all of us his adopted Sons and Daughters.

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Rectory Construction Update
Conrad Kawulok Conrad Kawulok

Rectory Construction Update

November 8, 2023. The new Rectory is moving along on schedule. Here is a brief update as to what is going on behind the large dirt pile.

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The Catechism and The Eucharist
Deacon George Thierjung Deacon George Thierjung

The Catechism and The Eucharist

During the months of November and December we will be on a spiritual journey sharing what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches each of us about the Eucharist. Here is Part 1.

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Our Favorite Books, Articles and Videos On the Eucharist
Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi

Our Favorite Books, Articles and Videos On the Eucharist

One of the blessings of being involved in the Eucharistic Revival is increased awareness of the plethora of truly wonderful books, videos, websites, podcasts, blogs and other mass media posts that we might not have otherwise encountered. Some are merely informative, others inspirational, but all help us to appreciate, understand, and believe in the Real Presence of the Eucharist so that we might have a personal, intimate encounter with Jesus. Each member of the Eucharistic revival team has chosen to share a few of their favorite resources with you

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Dave Podlecki, Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi Dave Podlecki, Eucharistic Revival Team at St. Francis of Assisi

Mother Teresa of Calcutta had a Secret

"The most admired woman of the 20th century was chosen to be St Teresa of Calcutta by a 1999 Gallup poll. We all know that she lived a very humble life, loved God and served the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Where ordinary volunteers would lack what is needed to keep their initial enthusiasm going, Mother Theresa had help to keep her and her company of sisters going through the worst of conditions. Where did that help arise?”

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