Each of you should join the choir, that by being symphonic in your harmony, and by taking up the song of God together, you may sing together in one voice through Jesus Christ to the Father, that He may both hear and recognize you through the good deeds you achieve, since you are members of His Son.
— St. Ignatius of Antioch

 Music Ministry

We aim to Glorify God through music, and offer Him our talents as a sacrifice of praise. We strive to aid in the beautification our liturgies.

We use music to aid us in our own sanctification, to improve our ability to pray, and to tune our hearts and minds to better listen and receive the Word of God. 

We offer plenty of opportunities for our parishioners to actively participate in the Music Life of our parish, inside and outside the main liturgies: singing, playing, learning, and listening.

For current music members (Cantors, choir members, etc):

Featured Music Articles




Cantors lead the congregation in singing at Mass. Audition is required. Reading music is preferred but not required. If you are interested in serving, please contact Fidel.

Queen of Angels Choir

Open to men and women. This choir sings on the last Saturday of every month, and singers commit to 2 rehearsals per month. The choir sings a mix of more contemporary songs from the last 60 years (modern liturgical composers like the St. Louise Jesuits to Bob Hurd), along with some traditional hymns. Most of the repertoire is in English. Music reading ability is preferred, but not strictly required. To join, please contact Fidel.


St. Cecilia Schola Cantorum

Open to men and women. This group sings every Sunday at 10am, and on Solemnities. Singers commit to weekly rehearsals. This choir sings traditional hymnody, Gregorian Chant (English and Latin), and is developing more elaborate repertoire, written in the sacred tradition (Byrd, Palestrina, Morales, etc), including modern compositions (Allen, Lauridsen). Music reading ability is required. All voice ranges are welcome!If you are interested in joining, please contact Fidel.

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St. Augustine Children’s Schola

(Currently on hold). The Children’s Schola focuses on teaching children the basics of Gregorian Chant and Catholic hymnody. They will learn basic music proficiency and sing at 10am Mass once a month. They will also be the core group for the Christmas children’s choir. 


Children’s Christmas Choir

The Children’s Choir sings Christmas Carols before Christmas Eve Mass. Ages 6-15. We will rehearse on Saturdays, December 4th, 11th, and 18th, from 10am-11:15am. To sign up your child, please click the button below.


Singing in the Park

A group of parishioners meet weekly to enjoy singing together outside of a liturgical setting. No pressure, no judgement, just sing to the Lord! During the summer and spring, they meet in a nearby park, and during the fall and winter, they meet in Frassati Hall in the church. To join, please contact Dawn Buzzell, drbuzz2@verizon.net